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Mule Deer

"Mule Deer Trophy"
By Steven E. Lillegard

                        Height:  7 1/2"
Width:  5 3/4"
Depth:  3 1/4"
Edition:  100
Price:  $595.00
(Size does not include
walnut base)


"Mule Deer Trophy"
By Steven E. Lillegard

Mule deer are a fairly common sight where I live, especially does and small bucks. Big bucks, however, are another story. They learn to avoid humans and are seldom seen. We know they're around because they leave shed antlers as evidence every year. "Mule Deer Trophy" was inspired by such a find. A friend found an antler of an impressive buck and it was on a shelf in my studio for several years when I decided to make a sculpture based on it.